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来源:https://www.sdlaochenjia.com/ 发布时间:2022-06-15 次数浏览:111

[ingredients]: 150g dry soybeans, 1000-1200ml clean water, 1 bag of lactone (3G).
1. Dry soybeans are soaked in clear water one night in advance. Early soybeans are completely soaked. Rub and wash them again to remove the dirt on the epidermis. Change the water and use them after cleaning.
2. Put the soaked soybeans into the soymilk machine or cooking machine, add 1000-1200 ml of water, start the soymilk function and start beating. Do not use more than 1200 ml of fresh water, otherwise the concentration of soybean milk is too low and the bean curd is not easy to form.
3. During the beating of soybean milk, stir the lactone with a small amount of water until it is completely melted.
4. Filter out the bean dregs from the beaten soybean milk. Don't discard the bean dregs. They can be used to bake bean dregs cake or make soybean milk porridge to reduce sugar and high protein.
5. After filtering the soymilk, pour the previously melted lactone water into the electric rice cooker and stir quickly while pouring to make it mix evenly.
6. Skim off the floating foam and small bubbles on the surface of soybean milk to ensure that the surface of soybean milk is flat and smooth.
7. Put the soymilk into the electric cooker, press the heat preservation key and keep it warm for 15 minutes.
8. When the time comes, turn on the electric rice cooker. The smooth bean curd brain is as white and smooth as boiled and peeled egg white.
9. Gently open the bean curd with a spoon. The bean curd is so tender that it flutters.
10. Scoop a large piece into a bowl and cook it once, which is enough for the whole family to make breakfast and have a good time.
11. After scooping bean curd, add marinade or sugar. It can be salty or sweet. You can eat it as you like.
Lao Chen's tofu brain chain reminds you that if you choose to make tofu brain at home, you can't ignore these precautions:
1. The concentration of soybean milk is important. If there are too few beans and too much water, the bean curd will not solidify. According to the ratio base of 150g dry soybean and 1000-1200ml water, it is sure to be successful.
2. The temperature of soymilk is very important. Don't wait until soymilk is ready. Filter the mixed ester immediately. During the tossing process, soymilk drops below 80 degrees. The basic conditions for lactone to play a role are not available, and natural solidification is not good.
3. Why use an electric cooker to keep warm? The low temperature required for lactone curd coagulation is 80 ℃, and it is easy to cool down at room temperature when it is made at home. Especially in winter, the room temperature is low. If the temperature of soymilk drops below 80 ℃ before the tofu curd is fully solidified, lactone will no longer play a role. Therefore, it is important to keep warm during the solidification of tofu curd.
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