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来源:https://www.sdlaochenjia.com/ 发布时间:2022-05-16 次数浏览:111

Nowadays, many people want to try making tofu at home, but the problem also arises. Some people have many honeycomb eyes when making tofu with soybean milk. What is the reason? How?
If you want to know how to solve the problem of honeycomb eyes in soybean milk and tofu, you should understand why there are honeycomb eyes, so as to solve this problem. There are many reasons why soymilk has honeycomb eyes. The common reason is that there is too much brine and the bean curd is aging, which will cause honeycomb eyes. The second is the temperature of soybean milk. Too high or too low temperature will cause honeycomb eyes. Or the beans squeezed with soybean milk are too old and the soybean milk is too sticky, resulting in honeycomb eyes. Another case is too much internal fat.
No matter what the situation is, the reason why tofu made from soybean milk has honeycomb eyes is that the method is wrong. Next, let's analyze the method of making tofu with soybean milk. Prepare soymilk. The temperature of soymilk is 90 degrees. If there is no thermometer, you can boil the soybean milk and let it stand for two minutes. The temperature is about 90 degrees. Then prepare the king tofu. Put the king tofu into the soybean milk according to the ratio of 2 kg of soybean milk to 6 g of King tofu and let it stand for 15 minutes. At this time, the soybean milk will solidify into a block without honeycomb eyes or excess water.
In addition, we can also learn that the way to solve the problem of honeycomb eyes is not to use frozen tofu when making tofu brain. We should choose very fresh tofu, and dilute the brine before blending soybean milk. When making soybean milk, we must put less water and less internal fat, so that the tofu brain will have no honeycomb eyes. Because the tofu is made with raw water, that is, uncooked water. Adding raw water will produce bubbles, so it will make beehives and bulge
Lao Chen's tofu brain chain reminds you that the key points of making tofu brain also need to know the temperature of soybean milk. The temperature of soybean milk must be 90 degrees. Too high or too low will lead to insufficient success rate and the curd will not coagulate. The second important thing is the ratio of soybean milk to tofu king. Only the perfect proportion can ensure the solidification of tofu brain. If it does not solidify completely after standing for 15 minutes, try to stand for another 5 minutes, but do not shake in the process.
If you find the reason why there are honeycomb eyes in making tofu brain with soybean milk, you should find the correct treatment method according to the reason and strive for success at one time. For more information, you can follow the website www.sdlaochenjia.com com。


